Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Best Buy Poor Business Practices

The condition of this economy will cause people and businesses to reach in different ways to stay in business or keep market share. Some good, some not so good and some downright questionable.

A small story out of Best Buy recently shows that the big electronics retailer is trying to push additional services (sometimes unneeded) to consumers. Best Buy sees this as another stream of revenue to make up for a decline in traffic in their stores. Services are good if needed and for the correct issue on hand. But, this story proves otherwise.

Link to the official story from one of my trade magazines CRN

Wife buys husband Dell laptop for birthday at Best Buy ($700)
Wife buys BlackTie Warranty for Dell Laptop ($300)
Hinge breaks on laptop 6mo later.
Wife returns laptop to Besy Buy for repair.
Best Buy quotes 3 Week turnaround or the repair (So much for the BlackTie Service - This should be a 2-3day repair)

Now the really bad part
Best Buy replaces the harddrive on the laptop w/o notifing the owner.
Geek Squad calls owner and asks if he would like to purchase data recovery services because the clueless tech sees a harddrive w/ no personal data, not knowing what the other tech did.

I am in the service business myself. We fix PC's, manage and maintain peoples networks and technology. I do this day in and day out. Its a grind that I have endured over the past 15years and enjoy. It is without hesitation I always say to my techs "listen closley to the customer, grasp the issue at hand and with some common sense, solve the issue within the quickest time at the lowest cost."

This is the best possible way I know how to assist my clients. This has been working well for me since my business inception. Listen, Act, Follow Up.

1 comment:

TheModMan said...

I received a Busy Buy gift card for Christmas and bought a keyboard in a local store. It was defective. When I returned it, I was told the gift card would have to be reissued and send USPS. After repeated calls, I am still waiting. I now doubt I will ever get the card. So it is another case of "best buyer" beware.12