Sunday, September 26, 2010

AT&T Samsung Galaxy S Update 1 Available

AT&T has released firmware update 1 for the Samsung Galaxy S Android phone.

For those that posess this phone, you can download the update on your phone at Settings>Software Update>Check For Update.

The actual update should take ten to fifteen minutes to perform once downloaded. Be paitent after the reboot as the Samsung Galaxy logo can sit for 5 minuters or more before the update completes.

After the update has completed, you will be pleasantly suprised to see that you phone is very snappy. Moving between screens is more fluid. Battery life seems longer. And more importantly, the GPS seems to actually work. Locking on Sat's is much quicker. GPS use in 2.1 it was almost non-existant. The wait to lock on a Sat took what felt like an eternity.

Next update to anticipate is Froyo 2.2. At least now I can chill waiting due to update 1 really improving the overall quality of the Galaxy S
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