Monday, May 23, 2011

Network Admin Pancakes

I though I'd mix it up a little here, so here we go.

Hey guys, we all know our job can be sedentary, sitting in chair repairing a workstation or in front of a server doing troubleshooting or a drawn out o/s installation.

I created this power packed morning breakfast recipe for us guys on the go. Fast and easy to make. You can even make a batch of pancakes and freeze them for later in the week.

This is a protein packed pancake mix that is absolutely delicious. You can make the mix ahead of time,  pour the liquid mix  in an old Heinz upside-down ketchup bottle, or just keep the dry mix in a zip lock bag and add the egg, milk and oil another day. This mix is full of protein and has lees carbs than store bought pancake mix. The syrup is absolutely delicious as the agave is great for diabetics allowing for slower absorption of the sweetener into the bloodstream due to its low glycemic index.

Serve them with a side of fresh cut strawberries and blueberries if in season.

Network Admin Pancakes  
  1.      1 ½  Cup of All Purpose White Flower (King Arthur or equiv)  or Bob’s Red Mill Whole Wheat  Pastry Flour which has a soft hint of whole wheat. Or combine equal amounts for a nice blend mix.               
  2.          1 ¼ Cup of Milk  - 2% or whole
  3.         3 ½  Teaspoons of Baking Powder
  4.          1 Teaspoon of salt
  5.          1 Egg
  6.         2 Tablespoons of Canola Oil
  7.          ¼ cup of ground  walnuts
Serves 4 – about 2 large pancakes each.

In a large bowl mix together flower, baking powder, salt and walnuts
Make a well in the center of the mix and pour in milk, egg and oil. Mix with a hand wisk about 10-15 turns. I don’t like my batter silky smooth. I like a few lumps. Preference here.

Heat a griddle or large fry pan – I use Loge Logic cast iron. Get the surface nice and hot. You can coat the pan with butter, oil or cooking spray, but a light coating should be all you need. Then pour, wait for bubbles and flip. Reapply some non-stick to the cast iron after each batch.

Syrup – Mix the following ingredients together, and then warm in a microwave for a few seconds.  Spoon over your freshly made pancakes. Use sparingly 
3 Tablespoons of Raw Blue Agave Syrup – Natural Organic.
2 Tablespoons of Natural Grade “A” Dark Amber Maple Syrup.

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