Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Windows Home Server 2011 Useful Tips

We have been bulding a few of theses boxes of late. Really nice,quiet and energy efficient. Check out my previous blog post.

Here are some nice videos and links on how to manage WHS 2011. All easy to do.

WHS 2011 Learning Bites - Managing Storage Managing Storage with Windows Home Server 2011. Including adding new drives, Move Folder Wizard, and Backup.

Windows Home Server - Remote Access This video demonstrates Windows Home Server's Remote Access feature. 

Windows Home Server Learning Bites - Homegroup Setup Setting up Homegroups for sharing files on the family network.

The above videos are some of more relevant ones that reside on YouTube.

Windows Home Server Add-Ins Here are some add-ins that you can install to make WHS 2011 
more versatile.

If you have a Home Server, you'll know how easy fun and useful this device is for managing and sharing all digital content for the family while having the ability to back-up any PC in the house.

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