Monday, October 26, 2015

PC Cleanup - Adware - Malware Virus Infection - Easy PC Reset

Today its easy to wipe and reload a PC

Plus with cloud backup, all files can be stored in the cloud (OneDrive, Google Cloud, iCloud)

Business user should have all data on their server - No business critical data should be stored local on the users PC !

So if you infect your PC, its easy to reset the whole machine. Its been included in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.

Just go to Updates, recovery, Reset this PC

You have the options to keep your files or a complete wipe (Nuke) of the unit. Good if you're reselling or virus infected. Again, if all of your files are in the cloud, this is a great option as you have a completely refreshed PC.

You can do this with no worry if your mail is in the cloud (outlook, gmail, me mail, AOL or IMAP) or exchange based. Plus your profile data ( document folder, Favorites folder, Music, Photos, videos, desktop) is all backed up in your online storage.

If you're not sure, then use the following programs to clean your PC. There are no guarantees this will eradicate the malware/virus completely.

Run programs in this order:

  1. ComboFIX  Reboot needed
  2. RKILL
  3. JRT Cleaner
  4. ADW Cleaner Reboot needed
  5. TDSSKiller

 All the following programs can be found at

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