Monday, June 8, 2009

T-Mobile Servers hacked over weekend . Data for Sale !

As you can see, no one, I mean no one is safe.

No matter how good your IT support is. No matter how much money you spend on security, this can and will happen. What I am surmising here is a possible breach within. Possibly some malware on a PC with a key logger. And if it isn't that, then its some very talented people who collectively did the breach. We’ll keep up on the story and find out exactly how the security breach was made.

In the mean time. UPDATE your virus software. Don't click on any e-mails from people you don't know. Have a good firewall. And read our 13 ways to stay protected. It really helps.
Here's a link to our security web page Link to T-Mobile article courtesy of Tech Crunch

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