Monday, August 24, 2009

Microsft and Google move closer to gangland style hits

Google will be releasing their Android mobile phone O/S for the hot netbook market in the next quarter. Android is ready to make the jump from cell phones to the PC platform. I always said things are going to blur between mobile phone operating systems which are basically mini PC’s and the Netbook O/S platform. Intel has an O/S for netbooks called Moblin, Ubuntu has Netbook Remix. So why not Google. Next question, will Apple soon be next. They sure are thinking long and hard in Cupertino.

Knowing that Google will be giving away an O/S for netbooks hits Microsoft right in the pocket. Acer is already signed up with their 12” version. The new larger screen size is a nice sweet spot as I never liked the 8.9” units and the 10.2 inch screens, well they just cut it. At a resolution of 1024x600 that's a little tough on the 45 and older crowd. These Netbook O/S’s optimize screen real estate and create efficiency in using the PC.

Microsoft’s Bing search is hot. I like it. Microsoft knows the platform is the web and the O/S is less and less important. Don't get me wrong, Google is king here, but Microsoft has really put some effort in this. It has a nice mobile version and gives really good search results. Competition on both ends will be good for us consumers. Here is the Bloomberg article on the Android PC Operating System.

This guy did a comparison side by side of each search. Great job. Google vs. Bing
Check it out.

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