Sunday, January 16, 2011

Windows 7 Computers - They really are nice. Honest !

They might not have that same cohesive design that Apple has, but at least your not paying for all that expensive coolness . But pound for pound, you are really getting a great PC for the money today.

For $500 plus bucks, a Windows 7 PC has excellent features that speed up your every day computing for a more productive experience, such as:

  • Multiple Monitor View: My favorite, It even remembers my home and work set-up.
  • Super Task Bar: The live thumb nails are awesome. Pin Pin Pin
  • Wireless connection: A great Improvement for road warriors.
  • Bit Locker: Go ahead. Encrypt that whole harddrive, so if your laptop is stolen you can sit back and feel a little safer.
  • Search: You forgot the name of that excel spreadsheet quote you were working on, just type any remembrance in the search and watch in real time as it finds similar xls files.
  • Security: We've sold em', and we can definitely tell you, they don't come back. You need to work really hard to infect one.
So go ahead. Improve your productivity, and speed up your life with a new Windows 7 PC.

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