Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Office365 Sharepoint - Change default document view or view more items in list

So you have your SharePoint setup, and accessible by your office 365 users.

You start adding files and folder to the document view, but the list of items tops out at 15-15 items in the list.

Well, SharePoint is very customizable. All you need to do is go to your document page.....

 Click EDIT in the upper right of your SharePoint window.

The click either the Web Part Tab
Click in the document window. Once you click in the document window, A twistie and a checkbox will appear. Click the twistie.

On right side box, documents list view, click Edit Current View

Then slide down to item limit and change Item count. Save settings.

Now you should be able to see more than the default 15 items.
That's the beauty of SharePoint. total customization.

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