Friday, October 30, 2015

Google surrenders - Unifying mobile on the desktop - Good-bye Chrome OS

Lets face it, Chrome no loner sells. Its niche.

Can you tell me a desktop app the runs on Chrome........I'm waiting. Didn't think so. Easy to pull the plug, make a 180 turn to a mobile OS. Therefore less expensive development costs.

Google decided to let Chrome die slowly, and let the Android OS bloom on the desktop. Its a gamble to say everything's going mobile. I personally don't think so. You'll still use a computer for business, engineering and media creation.

See, Google can do this and IOS cannot as Apple has a larger desktop app presence then Google. Think Adobe Creative Suite, think Final Cut. These apps are keeping Apple from unifying their OS platform. Apple app vendors would need to developed for IOS. The computing power is just not there folks. Therefor Macs sell.

Apple is stuck with two separate OS platforms. They might be planning something.

Microsoft is already there with a unified phone tablet OS experience. I think Microsoft pushed Google to do this. Everyone is now very interested in the Windows 10 experience.

Microsoft forced this issue with Windows 10 adoption rate as the default search is Bing.

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