Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blackberry Enterprise Server Express 5 Controller Service does not start after reboot

We have a nice situation on two SBS03 boxes with Blackberry Enterprise Server Express 5 Installs where the Blackberry Controller Service does not start after a reboot. This did not occur after installation of BES5. It has developed after a few months.

The BES5 can possibly throw a 5010 or 5003 error.

The temporary remedy is to stop the DNS Server Service. Once you stop the DNS Server Service, you can then start the troublesome Blackberry Controller Service, then restart the DNS Service. All should then be fine with BES5 sending mail to the phones.

Link to Blackberry Support article describing port binding issue and resolution.


Ralph Edington said...

I just rebooted my server and couldn't get BES Express to work, the Controller service was dead with the 5010 message. I even called Blackberry Incident Support and flailed around with them for hours. Then reading your post provided a quick workaround. So thanks a million! I'm still looking for a long-term workaround, and I'd still like to know what triggered this problem to happen just now, when previous reboots did not have this problem...

Thanks again

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Adam said...

Just wanted to balance out the spam comments to say that this was really helpful. I was getting ready to reboot our server, which is old and would have taken our organization down for about an hour. 150 people that can still check their email thank you :)

Anonymous said...

This saved me. I could not understand why it stopped working all of a sudden and BES was giving me a 5010 error. Great post for us all..

David said...

I have been trying to get Enterprise server running for a few days now and this solved the last problem (until the next one, it won't let me log on!) Have Server 2003 / Exchange 2003 setup.

Thanks for that