Monday, March 25, 2013

Need to release some of those Office365 Office Professional Plus Licenses

You installed all 5 licenses on you office and home devices of Office365 Office Professional Plus, but now you want to upgrade to a new PC or tablet or just recycle that old PC.
How do you get to recycle your license so you can install Office Professional Plus on you brand new PC or Windows 8 Tablet.

The command you need to RUN is: osaui.exe /r
Open up a COMMAND PROMPT and paste the command below and press ENTER
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\osaui.exe /r

Highlight the device you're recycling, or donating and click REMOVE.

This will free up your license to add Office Professional Plus on your NEW device. So far, we haven't seen an easier way to do this.

Link to the original Microsoft Knowledgebase article

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