There may be other ways to assist your network, but we feel we have a good plan to assist you. Our plan is always evolving, being updated to the products and features we feel will help you get the most protection with the least interruption.
Dataserv has been offering Managed Services for your business since 2011
Why? Predictable costs.
With a top notch NOC (Network Operations Center) to monitor your network and devices we can quickly log in and resolve any issues before they become expense issues requiring on-site resolution.
We offer:
Immediate Remote Access with No User Intervention - A time saver on your side. No need to have an employee sit at the desk and assist logging us in.
Managed Anti-Virus: With our monitor dashboard, any issue shows up quickly with email and text alerts to us. With out monitoring, you might have embedded malware unbeknownst to you for sometime before issues start to surface.
Managed Personal Web Protection for each device: We can limit internet, block web sites or set up a site wide rule based on your preferences and our suggestions.
Managed Backup: Our CloudSecure off site backup offers considerable protection against file corruption and natural disaster. Server side and workstation. One price for multiple devices. HIPAA Compliant, available encryption, offsite access to data.
Managed Security updates and patch management: Scheduled security and patch installation along with out-of-band installation of critical updates will be one of the strongest forms of protection against malware. We see many unmanaged network not following update schedules and procedures, leaving the network vulnerable to malware
Monitor of Services and Processes of each Workstation:
CPU, Harddrive Space, Print Issues, Memory Usage. We will see errors and excessive process utilization. We would resolve and eliminate any un-needed processes causing issues giving you access to a better
Ask for a trial. We don't push extra costs and believe me, you will see value in this service.
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