Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Windows 10 - Home or Business Free Upgrade

When should my business adopt

As usual, when a new Operating System such as Windows 10 is being released, we recommend you try it at home on an non dedicated PC or device.

This will allow you to get comfortable with changes, try out your business application to check for issues. and just keep abreast of changes in the O/S for your business.

Ask other to do the same.

When time comes for the upgrade there will be less shock and awe at your business. Upgrading will be less of a fight.

Our take on Windows 10 is that it will be a big success. We are trying it out now. The last two Technical Previews were interesting but far from complete. Windows 10 "the final version is scheduled to be released in the fall of 2015.

There are features that make Windows 10 extremely compelling to upgrade.

Excellent features included in the new 9926 Build:
  • Cortana Voice Command Integration
  • Easy painless upgrade path to future versions
  • Improved Start Menu
  • Apps now run in a window
  • Log in directly to desktop - also in previous builds
  • New control Panel settings menu
First, Windows 10 will be a free upgrade from Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 for home users for the first year. after which Microsoft will charge for the upgrade. We strongly suggest you take advantage of this offer.

How to Install Windows 10 Technical Preview courtesy of Gizmodo

Once you see that your Line of Business apps can run without issue, the feedback from users are positive, then you can consider an upgrade roll-out schedule.

Business Upgrade Checks

  • Line of Business Apps Test
  • Hardware Test ( printers, scanners, POS system hardware. copier-scanning) 

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